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(From the Apr/May Zephyr) Take it or Leave it: A FEW WORDS ABOUT ED ABBEY, WILDERNESS & GUERILLA HAVENS…by Jim Stiles

An excerpt:

“I’m not sure what else can be said about Edward Abbey after all these years. God knows I’ve said plenty and have often tried to speculate ‘What Cactus Ed would’ve done,” as we race through the second decade of the 21st Century. What concerns me, I admit, is the inability of so many latter day Abbeyphiles to consider how he might react to the world we face today, had he lived to see it. For so many, not only is Abbey frozen in 1989, the issues are as well. To suggest that he would have turned a blind eye to changes even Ed might not have expected a quarter century ago does him an injustice.”

To read more of Jim’s article, click the image below:


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