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  1. (from The Zephyr Archives) Willie Flocko’s Country Kitchen: ‘Nuthin’ but Stuffin’ October 31, 2014

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  2. (From the October/November Zephyr) A New “Twisted Tabloid” from Dan O’Connor! October 30, 2014

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  3. THEN & LATER: Recapture Reservoir near Blanding— Before (1978) & After the dam October 30, 2014

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  4. (From the Zephyr Archives) An Interview with Harvey Wickware, Canyonlands Park Superintendent, in 1989…by Jim Stiles October 29, 2014

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  5. (From the October/November Zephyr) BATES WILSON: The ‘Father of Canyonlands NP’…in his own words October 28, 2014

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  6. (From the October/November Zephyr) On the Visible Edge at an Open Pit Copper Mine… By Scott Thompson October 27, 2014

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  7. Forrest Gump Point @ Monument Valley October 27, 2014

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  8. (From the October/November Zephyr) KEN SLEIGHT REMEMBERS, Part 1: The Adventure of New Beginnings…1930s October 26, 2014

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  9. Whiting Bros. Outside Albuquerque. October 26, 2014

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  10. (From the October/November Zephyr) Vlachos’ Views…Photos and Captions by Paul Vlachos October 25, 2014

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  11. Horseshoe Canyon. March 1977 October 25, 2014

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  12. (From the October/November Zephyr) Zephyr Chronicles #4: ‘IT’S MONEY THAT MATTERS’…BUT AT WHAT COST? THE GREENING OF WILDERNE$$…by Jim Stiles October 24, 2014

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  13. Shadowed Trees October 24, 2014

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  14. (From the October/November Zephyr) Take it or Leave it: ‘LIVE FROM ‘HADLEY RILLE’ and COMB WASH…by Jim Stiles October 23, 2014

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  15. Campfire by the Blue Mountains. October 23, 2014

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  16. (From the October/November Zephyr) Sowing Clover: How to Be a Witness…by Tonya Stiles October 22, 2014

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  17. COMB RIDGE DUGWAY. October 1975 October 22, 2014

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  18. (From the October/November Zephyr) Take it or Leave it: GETTING THE FACTS RIGHT, part 1… RE: MOAB’S RECENT POLITICAL PAST…by Jim Stiles October 21, 2014

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  19. THEN & LATER & NOW…1959–1993–2014. Utah Hwy 95, at the Halls Crossing Junction… Vintage photo by CHARLES KREISCHER October 18, 2014

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  20. San Juan County, Utah October 17, 2014

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  21. YELLOW CAT MINING DISTRICT…north of Arches NP. June 1978 October 16, 2014

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  22. from the false summit of MT TUKUNIKIVATS. October 1977 October 15, 2014

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  23. It’s a NASH AIRFLYTE…vintage around 1949-50. October 14, 2014

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  24. MOAB, UTAH…about 1956? October 13, 2014

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  25. MOAB, UTAH…1978 From the Sand Flats Road…note the old Drive-in theater. October 12, 2014

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