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(From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) A Review: Naomi Klein’s “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate”…by Doug Meyer

An excerpt:

On the night before September’s climate demonstrations in New York and well-timed publication of her new book, Naomi Klein appeared alongside Bill McKibben, Chris Hedges, Kshama Sawant and Bernie Sanders, rock stars of the budding U.S. coalition of “climate justice” activists, in a refreshingly agonizing display of American white folks trying to start something (apologies to Ms. Sawant.) If you ask Chris Hedges, that something is quite clearly an overthrow of the corporate state. But after reading Ms. Klein’s new political masterpiece providing a powerful ideology for that overthrow, one has to wonder. Will this soon be the handbook for a revolution that topples the global plutocracy? Or is it more likely just the latest required reading in popular “social sustainability” courses?


Click the image below to read more of Doug’s article:


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