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  1. BOOTS ON A FENCE POST… as far as the eye could see… January 23, 2015

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  2. The Holiday Movie Theatre in Moab. 1950s from the Verona Stocks Collection January 23, 2015

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  3. Charles Bowden. January 19, 2015

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  4. CEDAR MESA…OCTOBER 1974 January 18, 2015

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  5. ZION NATIONAL PARK. October 1974 January 17, 2015

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  6. THE PROSPECTOR LODGE in MOAB… razed more than a decade ago for another, bigger chain motel. January 17, 2015

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  7. GLEN CANYON 1962 –Edna Fridley January 16, 2015

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  8. from the sunny slopes of long ago… January 16, 2015

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  9. (From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) More Poets, Fewer Lawyers…Poetry by Amy Brunvand January 15, 2015

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  10. (CNSNews) “Kerry Gets it Wrong on Climate’s Impact on New Zealand Dairy Farmers” January 15, 2015

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  11. (From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) From Tom Till’s “Then & Now”…Balanced Rock January 14, 2015

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  12. (From RawStory) “Albuquerque Cops Charged with Murder in Fatal Shooting of Homeless Man at Campsite” January 14, 2015

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  13. (From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) Ken Sleight Remembers, Part 2: THE 1940’S: THE SHAPING OF A LIFE…by Ken Sleight January 13, 2015

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  14. The ‘New road’ from the top of the Switchbacks at ARCHES NP. 1959. Note: the visitor center had not yet been built. photo by CHARLES KREISCHER January 13, 2015

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  15. (From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) Welcome to the Dimformation Age! …from the desk of Ned Mudd, reporting from the crawlspace of history January 12, 2015

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  16. DUST DEVIL in Salt Valley/Arches NP…1978 January 12, 2015

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  17. (From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) Remembering WWII, The ‘Bulge’ & ‘That Jerk’ Patton… from a 1989 interview with Moabite ED McCARRICK January 11, 2015

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  18. Our Newest Backbone Supporters! January 10, 2015

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  19. COLORADO RIVER near MATRIMONY SPRINGS. 1940s. (photographer unknown) January 10, 2015

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  20. (From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) Herb Ringer’s American West: Cameron Trading Post, Arizona and The Bright Angel Lodge, THEN and NOW. January 9, 2015

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  21. The Hite Ferry in Glen Canyon. 1959. photo by CHARLES KREISCHER January 9, 2015

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  22. (From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) Pointblank: Was, with Apologies to Mister Faulkner…by Damon Falke January 8, 2015

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  23. (From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) Vlachos’ Views…Photos and Captions by Paul Vlachos January 7, 2015

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  24. AERIAL…DELICATE ARCH. 1985 January 7, 2015

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  25. (From the Dec/Jan Zephyr) Now it’s Official: a Normal Planet is Politically Incorrect… By Scott Thompson January 6, 2015

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