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(Feb/March Zephyr) THE ‘NEW WEST/PROGRESSIVE’ PARADOX: Can ‘Liberal/Greens’ Still Possess an Honest Social Conscience in New Moab, Utah?’…By Jim Stiles

An excerpt:

It would be challenging to find anyone worth their “progressive” stripes who could muster a bad word for FDR.  But do his values still ring true across the broad spectrum of the Democratic Party? Within its ranks, opinions vary. Of course, there are mild dissenters—the ‘Blue Dog Democrats’—who embrace a more conservative view on fiscal and social issues

But could there be a new faction within the Democratic Party ranks, especially among those ‘progressive/environmentalists’ who live in and recreate upon the ever-expanding demographic phenomenon called ‘The New West?’ How would FDR’s values hold up in the likes of Jackson, Wyoming, or Aspen, Colorado, or Sedona, Arizona? Or perhaps even the latest full-blown entry as a New West town…Moab, Utah in 2015?


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