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There is, of course, the distinct possibility that as soon as the cameraman ran out of video tape, the cat ate the owl…or vice versa.

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3 Responses

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  1. Kent Duryee said

    “Video tape”? What is this material of which you speak that you can “run out of”? Did you note the tether on the owl? I’ll wager the owl and the pussy cat must know each other pretty well and share fairly intimate quarters on that beautiful pea green boat, dancing by the light of the moon…apologies to Edward Lear.

    Thanks for the years of The Zephyr and congrats on the new look.

  2. Jack said

    I have never seen such playing in my life. The owl is amazing. Brave bird! arnica gel benefits | arnica gel bruises

  3. Richard Walsh said

    Lovely video Sony HX9v

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