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from Herb Ringer…Moab’s Main Street in the early 1950s

I believe Herb took this photo in the early summer of 1952, just before the Charlie Steen Discovery and subsequent Uranium Boom. The view is looking south from near the corner of Main Street and First North, near today’s Poplar Place. Note that Main St. ends just a block south. The highway turned left onto Center St and made its way south via 400 East and Mill Creek Drive….JS

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3 Responses

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  1. This is a remarkable photograph to me. I came to Moab in 1972. The town changed in 20 years following 1952, but I still recognize it in the picture. And look at the street surfacing.

  2. I first saw Moab in 1976. I looked much closer to this than it did in 2000 when I returned. Just look at this photo and tell me, could life be any better than it was then? Could progress make people’s lives better with the discovery of uranium, and the never ending quest for more energy to waste on more gadgets like the ones that were first advertised in the 50s to get us to buy more and more shit we don’t need? I think not, at least for me anyway….

  3. I first saw Moab in 1976. The town looked much closer to this than it did in 2000 when I returned. Just look at this photo and tell me, could life be any better than it was then? Could progress make people’s lives better with the discovery of uranium, and the never ending quest for more energy to waste on more gadgets like the ones that were first advertised in the 50s to get us to buy more and more shit we don’t need? I think not, at least for me anyway….

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