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(Feb/March Zephyr) Welcome to the Dimformation Age! from the desk of Ned Mudd, reporting from the crawlspace of history…

An excerpt:

Homo erectus asphaltus has entered a new and dangerous labyrinth of social experimentation. Thanks to our species’ proclivity for eternal entertainment, we have evolved into creatures with a deep seated lust for the latest fickle flash, regardless of how silly or ephemeral the attraction is. In sum, we are now guinea pigs in an exotic new quasi-religion: The Cult of the New.

As pioneers of Big Data, we now have the ability to communicate with the Cosmos simply by feeding Siri our present coordinates. It is an age whereby potentially nefarious threats to our merry-go-round cultural fantasy can be dismissed with the help of modern science and its hierarchy of ever-evolving technological gadgetry (tongue piercing and garish tattoos notwithstanding). Welcome to the Dimformation Age!


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