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(From the August/September Zephyr) BEING GAY IN UTAH: For men and women practicing an “alternative lifestyle,” Utah is a pretty intolerant state… by Alexandra L. Woodruff


On the night of February 7, 1999, three men waited outside a well-known gay club in Salt Lake City. When two men walked out of the Sun, the trio–Brian E. Hitt, 25, Scott Presley, 22, and Jason Millard, 25—allegedly started verbally taunting the men and then physically attacked them. Presley hit one of the victims several times in the chest and face; Millard punched the other man in the face.

The same three are also charged with approaching another bar patron on a different day and asking him, “Are you a faggot?” The victim jumped in his car, locked the doors and the gang started pounding on the car. The man jumped out of his car, ran back to the bar, and called the police. According to police reports, one of the attackers later admitted he had no explanation for the beating and they were just out for a good time. The three pleaded not guilty to assault charges…

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