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If there was one condo development that didn’t need to happen, it’s the Mill Creek Pueblos project. In the early 90s, the owner of that seven acre parcel was long-time Moab resident VENICE DENNY. Denny was looking toward retirement and needed to sell the land, but could not bear to see this lovely horse pasture condominimized. He went to the Moab City Council with a proposal to sell the land to the city for, even then, a rock bottom price of $125,000. It made perfect sense, even from a planning perspective. The Mill Creek Parkway was in its early stages and was directly adjacent to Denny’s land. But the Council would not consider his offer.

Not one member of the council would even bring the matter up for discussion. Finally, with all his other options expended, Venice Denny sold the land to a developer, who a couple years later, sold it again for double the price. Finally. a condo proposal acceptable to the council passed and the MILL CREEK PUEBLOS replaced the horse pastures.

Years later, we pay the price for the utter lack of vision from the Moab City Council…JS

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