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(From the Feb/March Z) Tilting at Windmills: a Geologist’s View of the Monticello Wind Farm…by Gene Stevenson


As a geologist and resident of San Juan County I have been following the construction of the Latigo Wind Farm as it has been reported in the San Juan Record weekly newspaper and in the October-November, 2015 edition of the Canyon Country Zephyr. My goal here is to try and share some basic science observations and facts about energy resources, by distinguishing “energy” from “power.” The conversation is always about energy, but it’s really the amount of power that can be created from each energy resource that is important.

Ever since the “green energy movement” has really caught on, claims have been made that we should radically change our energy (power) diet, and do so immediately. We’ve been told to abandon our existing systems based on fossil fuels for something new and clean and renewable that doesn’t ruin the environment; something that is low-carbon, solar-powered, wind-powered, or better yet, powered by the singlemost desired element: unobtainium!


To read more of Gene’s article, click the link below:

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