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(From the Feb/March Z) “What’s Past is Prologue.” Three Small Towns & Their Common Bond–City Manager Rebecca Davidson…by Jim Stiles


Davidson had been Moab’s city manager less than six months; selected from 57 applicants by the Moab City Council, her previous work experience, in similar positions in Timnath, Colorado and Kemmerer, Wyoming had been marked by heated controversy, angry public debate, and even litigation. Now, it must have felt like deja vu, as she showed Davey a chair and advised him to sit down.

Davidson announced to Davey that on the previous evening, the Moab City Council had voted unanimously to “restructure” the city staff and that consequently, his position was being eliminated. Immediately. Davey wasn’t even aware that a restructuring vote was on the agenda. There had been no emails, no staff meetings, no warnings whatsoever that a major change in the organization of Moab City was about to be sprung on its staff.

To read more from Jim’s story, click the link below:

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