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(12NEWS) Vandalism of Four Corners arch infuriates nature enthusiasts

EXCERPT: So it’s not hard to understand how Jordan felt when he visited the trailhead on March 10 and discovered that a recent visitor had marked the trail with pink streamers tied to posts that had been driven into the sandstone, presumably to serve as a guide to the arch.

“I’m a nature guy,” Jordan said. “That’s not something I enjoy seeing.”
Worse yet, when he arrived at the arch, Jordan found, to his dismay, that someone had tied a rope swing over the arch itself, wearing a small groove into the relatively delicate sandstone.

“I think angry was my first feeling about it,” Jordan said. “I didn’t understand how people could be so ignorant to think that it was a good idea.”

Jordan removed the pink streamers but couldn’t reach what remained of the rope. He settled for expressing his irritation about the vandalism on various social media sites when he returned home, hoping to raise awareness of what had happened.


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