In the late 90s and early 2000s, there was a small but vocal minority who supported the idea that the junkier Moab remained, the less chance it would turn into the next New West population center. There was no more honored and revered example (in my mind at least) than Bert Swink’s Auto Parts and junk yard. It was situated just south of Moab, and in full view of US 191. Tourists by the thousands passed Bert’s yard every day and must have marveled at the amazing collection of vehicles of all ages and descriptions. But as Moab moved into the 21 Century, its political leaders and economic boosters were appalled at the sight—it looked like junk to them. And even worse, it would have the effect of keeping real estate prices down. That was the rub with Moab’s hierarchy. These eyesores must be removed!
Having heard the rumors of junk yard extinction, I started taking photographs of the remaining auto graveyards, just as I had photographed the disappearing orchards a decade earlier. And so below are some memories of Bert’s. I have to admit I got a late start and many of the classic old auto wrecks had already made their way to the car shredder that had been set up 10 miles south of Moab at the far end of Spanish Valley.