I have been at a loss lately, to provide any words of significance, much less wisdom, on the current state of our country and what sometimes feels to me like a dismantling of our society. Words fail me. But I did…
Lee’s Ferry “Near MARBLE CANYON, 73.9 m., is Marble Canyon Lodge (spring water, hotel and cottages). Echo Cliffs and Kaibito Plateau, in the Navajo Reservation, are visible to the east. “Left from Marble Canyon filling station on a narrow side…
…Excerpts from ‘THE LAST CAMPAIGN: ROBERT KENNEDY & 82 DAYS THAT INSPIRED AMERICA’ By Thurston Clarke Indiana University Medical School… He spoke for twenty-one minutes to an audience that a New York Times reporter described as “generally hostile.” There was…
Washington, D.C. March 16, 1968 I am today announcing my candidacy for the presidency of the United States. I do not run for the presidency merely to oppose any man but to propose new policies. I run because I am…