December 22, 1941 Travel this month, 174 Travel to Date, 562 General I returned to duty December 1, after a months vacation in California. [I commend] Relief Ranger Russ Mahan on his work, during his short period of Duty at…
October 22, 1941 Travel this month, 234 Travel to date, 234 Weather Local weather records show this October to have been the wettest in more than 40 years. Precipitation since October 1st is 3.78 inches. This is compared to 2.18…
September 23, 1941 Travel this month, 296 Travel for the year, 3786 WEATHER September, ushered in by high, hot winds, was unpredictable from one day to the next. The weather has been cool for this time of the year and…
July 21st, 1941 Travel this month, 494 Travel to date, 2881 Weather The usual brand of hot summer weather has been our lot, with a few days of high temperatures and occasional rainstorms. Fortunately the evenings are nearly always cool…
April 22, 1941 Dear Hugh: This report is going to be a bit brief because I am at present confined to bed with a severe cold, and am attempting to think and write clearly while lying almost flat on my…
February 17, 1941 Dear Hugh: This part of the country has at last been favored with a little sunshine and the past three weeks of heavy fog have left us with a greater appreciation of the Moab sunshine. It seems…
January 22, 1942 By Henry G Schmidt, Custodian Moab, Utah Travel this month, 63; Travel year to date, 625 Weather The new year of 1942 brought us zero temperatures and cold winds, lasting for 6 days and an abrupt change…
Dear Hugh: We have made some progress with the project to post the boundary. The entire West boundary of the monument has been posted and almost a quarter of the East boundary is now posted. This work has given me…
August 21st, 1941Mr Hugh M Miller, SuperintendentSouthwestern National MonumentsCoolidge, Arizona Dear Hugh: It’s about that time of the month again to compile my notes into the regular monthly report and I think I will try to catch time for a…
June 23rd, 1941Mr Hugh M Miller, SuperintendentSouthwestern National MonumentsCoolidge, Arizona Dear Hugh: It is hot enough today to fry eggs on the “slickrock”, but there are things to be done so I may as well ignore the heat and get…