Is there a racist component in camping? Or is it a question of common sense? For a “white boy” who grew up middle class in the South, in the midst of the civil rights movement, I thought I had seen…
No party, no cause, no struggle, however worthy, is ever free from evil. No earthly cause is entirely good. And to believe with absolute certainty that you are on “the right side of history,” or on the right side of…
Note: Yesterday, the Deseret News ran a shorter version of this summary. This 1400 word essay provides a more detailed analysis of the Monument debate, which is sure to continue after yesterday’s announcement by President Trump that the Monument will…
The summer after the second grade, my best friend told me the truth. “You know, you aren’t supposed to be here,” she said. We were wandering the streets of Sturgis, South Dakota, as one did in those days, looking for…
Zephyr Extra: NOTE: This is a followup to a story that appeared in the Aug/Sept issue of The Zephyr. Read that story here. On August 4, Grand County Councilwoman Mary McGann proposed to change the name of Negro Bill Canyon…
For the last couple of years, a ‘place name’ debate has raged in Moab, mostly via the letters column in the weekly Times-Independent. Some Grand County citizens think the name ‘Negro Bill Canyon,’ is racist and offensive and should be…
Lately, I’ve been thinking about St. Louis. It was surprising how long the news lingered on that Midwestern city this summer, after the shooting of Michael Brown. Surprising that we all lingered there, as a country, for a span of…