TO MOAB: 2020 AD:
It was just after three in the afternoon
when our Boeing 827 made its final approach to the new Moab National
Airport, ten miles south of town on what used to be called Johnson's
Up On Top.....
DRAIN LAKE POWELL: January 21, 2043. A cold winter
wind whipped and buffeted the ten thousand visitors who had made their
way from across America and the world to witness this historic event....
WEST BLUES: In my never-ending quest to try to
make some sense out of what is happening to us here in the rural West,
I haven't "been to the mountain top," but I've been to the Sand Flats
above town, and the view from there is discouraging....
fall, a local realtor/developer told a writer for Salt Lake City Magazine
that I "had a closed mind when it comes to progress....."
few years ago, I met a woman from New York at one of Moab's more popular
greasy spoons. She looked fatigued, worn out...defeated. I asked her
what was wrong and she replied, "You people around here really hate
tourists don't you?...."
CAN'T GO WRONG WITH A DOG: In the autumn of 1995,
I made a gallant attempt to get arrested by the National Park Service
during the showdown between President Clinton and the Conmgress which
led to the big federal shutdown. I drove all over Arches National
Park and could not find a ranger to place me in custody....
DEATH OF JOHN DINSMORE: On the evening of November
24, 1997, Moab resident John Dinsmore was shot and killed by Moab
City Police Sgt. Mike Wiler. He and other officers responded to a
911 call by John's wife Holly...
