- Last fall, a local realtor/developer told a writer for Salt Lake City
Magazine that I "had a closed mind when it comes to progress." He added
that we probably define the word differently, and felt that I picked
on him for his pro-development views. And for that reason, I won't even
mention the poor fellow by name. But he also said I condemned anybody
who didn't wear Birkenstocks and that's where I draw the line. I've
never worn Birkenstocks a day of my life...I'm a Redwings kind of guy.
- Anyway, I didn't have the energy or the inclination to argue the
point at the time. One of my hopes and dreams for the new year has been
to develop a thicker skin and to avoid futile debates with entrenched
adversaries whenever possible.
- But in re-formatting this paper, there is also a sense (for me, at
least) of starting over this spring and it seems like a good time to
consider the changes in this community, and whether they can really
be called progress. There is a difference between Progress and Development,
although it's surely a subjective distinction. I can only speak for
myself, but this is how I separate Progress from Development...
- When I think of Progress and what it means for this town and its
surroundings, I think of a community in which its citizens can earn
a decent living, pay the bills, and have something left over at the
end of the month. But I can call it Progress only when those citizens
also realize the value of the intangible qualities that make our town
unique and enrich our lives.
- Qualities like the beauty and solitude of the canyons and mountains
that surround us and qualities like the friendship, compassion and trust
of our neighbors are, to me, just as important as the bottom line on
a financial statement.
- Progress is maintaining our small town atmosphere while recognizing
that some change is inevitable, and that change can sometimes even be
an improvement. Development is when the greed of its citizens allows
uncontrolled growth that destroys all the qualities of small town life...the
qualities that brought many of us here in the first place.
- Progress is when a business flourishes and expands to meet a growing
demand, while still maintaining the quality that caused its success
in the first place. A good example is Tim and Gretchen Buckingham's
move to buy the Sundowner. Their success is due to their talent and
their hard work; expanding their business is the reward for their efforts.
Development is when an out-of-town investor sees there's money to be
made and throws up another fast food franchise, taking business and
customers away from the local cafes that have survived for years and
- Progress is when local citizens try to stay loyal to those well-established
restaurants. Development is when locals abandon them in droves for the
franchise chains, in order to save a few cents.
- Progress is a new business that comes to town and offers a new service
or product that we truly need and could not obtain before. Look at La
Sal Bread for example...great bread. Development is another T-shirt
shop with an absentee owner. I dream of that Progressive day when I
can buy a pair of flannel tartan plaid boxer shorts (cotton in summer)
in my own home town. The day Boxers R' Us opens, a business that would
truly fill a need, I hope to be its first customer.
- Progress is suitable housing for all its citizens. Development is
another tacky condo development for wealthy out-of-towners looking to
invest in a second home and hoping to turn a tidy profit.
- Progress is the County Council and the Nature Conservancy saving
the Mayberry Orchard. Development is seeing most of Grand County's other
orchards turned into subdivisions.
- Progress is appreciating the value of the spectacular view we all
enjoy of the West Wall each day. Development is a chairlift running
up its sandstone flanks.
- Progress is our species recognizing the value...the absolute necessity
for preserving what's left of our wild pristine country. Development
is seeing it bulldozed under. Or perhaps worse, seeing those special
places trampled under the feet of hordes of well-meaning people who
claim they do recognize the value of wild lands but don't recognize
that their sheer numbers are destroying it.
- Progress is the mountain biker who gets tired of staring at his knuckles,
the bike handlebars, and three feet of ground ahead of him, and stops
and looks around, and is overwhelmed by the silence and the beauty of
the canyons. Development is painting more white lines on the Slickrock
Trail so nobody has to stop and look around.
- Progress is appreciating the fading light on the slickrock palisades
above the valley. Development is ridgeline housing.
- Progress is moving to Moab, wanting to be a part of the community
and wanting to contribute something to it. Development is moving to
Moab and seeing what can be taken from it.
- Progress, in short, is Moab the Community. Development, in a nutshell,
is Moab the Population Center. What's the difference? Ten years from
now, one way or the other, we'll probably all know the answer.
